Thursday, April 3, 2014

10 Reasons You Should Take a Selfie Right NOW

10 reasons you should take aselfie1 photo selfie_zps0dcf295c.gif


1. Show the world how pretty you are 

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2. It will increase you SELFIE-steem

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or not

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3. There is not such thing as bad timing

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4. You can take it anywhere

 photo tumblr_n268irCD4O1sivw65o1_500_zpsc4669a90.jpg

5. It reveals the deepest truth

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BUT it's not gonna stop you from taking a selfie

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6. You can take your time

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6. Cats do it

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7. And so do pugs

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8. Group selfies are FUN

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Especially when HE takes it

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But no exceptions for screwing up

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9. It's one of the reasons you go to the gym

 photo i-don-t-always-meme-generator-i-don-t-go-to-gym-very-often-but-when-i-do-i-make-sure-to-take-a-selfie-5482dc1_zps6893aeaf.jpg

10. Because you deserve it

 photo p3aa8g_zps5381a1ee.jpg

Marta Hausman
Instagram: hausixx


  1. You wrote the steps yourself and then went out and found the pictures? This was entertaining!

    1. Thanks! I found the GIFs first and then came up with the reasons.
